ek maatr example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. , And v only depends on the linear transformation R ? 2. The first poems were only ranges 3. • 25 - This is the women [sisters] qu'ça thinks only do good 4. 100 and France represents only 6 percent 5. 100 Edouard Balladur voters thought Chirac vote, but only 5 percent

Given are the examples of hindi word ek maatr usage in english sentences. The examples of ek maatr are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., only.

Do you know that people first travelled by train only about 150 years ago?पता है लोगों ने मात्र डेढ़ सौ साल पहले रेल से यात्रा करनी शुरू की थी?

Any attribute will be said to exist in a person only if it can be measured by using scientific procedures.
t can be described only in terms of its three dimensions, i.e. length, width, and height.
Generally, students having low intelligence are not likely to do so well in school-related examinations, but their success in life is not associated only with their intelligence test scores.
Other psychologists, such as Gardner and Sternberg have suggested that an intelligent individual not only adapts to the environment, but also actively modifies or shapes it.
Performance on intelligence tests is not the only measure for identifying the gifted.
Therefore, verbal tests can be administered only to literate people.
These can be used only after extensive training in administration and interpretation of test scores.
For certain purposes the interdependence of (or even rivalry between) two sectors of the economy (agriculture and industry, for example) or the relationships between sectors (like the household sector, the business sector and government in a democratic setup) help us understand some things happening to the country s economy much better, than by only looking at the economy as a whole.
Adam Smith, the founding father of modern economics, had suggested that if the buyers and sellers in each market take their decisions following only their own self-interest, economists will not need to think of the wealth and welfare of the country as a whole separately.
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